Retailers must rethink drivers of loyalty amid coronavirus crisis

The ethics and actions of brands during the coronavirus pandemic have significantly impacted customer loyalty in the UK and Ireland, according to research by PFS and LiveArea.

The two surveyed 2,5000 consumers and found that 58% feel greater loyalty towards online retailers and brands that have helped people during the outbreak. 53%, meanwhile, approve of those who have demonstrated a commitment to the safety of their staff.

Other findings include: 64% are more likely to purchase items from online retailers and brands that stay in touch and offer frequent order updates; 49% share negative online shopping experiences with friends and family. This rises to 57% of Millennials.

Christophe Pecoraro, Managing Director at PFS Europe, comments: “Ensuring you proactively keep customers informed of order delays or other potential issues, especially during higher volume periods, not only improves your reputation in the eyes of customers, it also helps mitigate excessively high volumes within contact centres.” 

Benoit Soucaret, Creative Director, LiveArea EMEA, says: “Beyond the type of communication itself, it’s how you communicate to your customers that’s important and how you address their demands. You have to rethink the drivers of loyalty and affinity for your brand.”

“That means leading with purpose and building new levels of trust and respect with your customers. Create a meaningful impact on the way your brand operates because brand loyalty requires brands to show they are human to the core.”

He adds: “It is also increasingly important that brands’ customer service operations are equipped to help combat negative shopping experience sharing on social platforms. It’s important to act quickly to appease customer complaints and minimise long-term repercussions to your brand’s image.”

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