Seven tips for moving offices without losing productivity

If your company or organisation is moving offices, you know how disruptive the move can be to your team’s productivity and morale. No one likes moving!

However, there are some steps you can take during the planning phase to ensure your office move goes as smoothly as possible and doesn’t leave your employees feeling frazzled and behind in their work.

Here are seven tips from the commercial moving companies for moving offices without losing productivity.

1) Plan In advance

Planning is one of the most important steps to take when preparing for a move. It will help you ensure that your employees and customers won't be impacted by the change, and it will make the process more manageable.

Be sure to create a timeline with various milestones so that there's enough time allocated for everything from ordering supplies to finding office space. You may want to check out some previous articles on our website about how planning for an office move can impact productivity or how to plan an office relocation 

2) Get rid of the clutter

The first thing to do when moving offices is to get rid of the clutter. Throw away or donate anything that doesn't have a place in your new space.

This will help you make the most out of your available space and reduce unnecessary stress as you move into your new office.

3) Work a bit beforehand 

One of the major downsides to moving offices is that productivity usually takes a big hit. It's hard to get into a groove when you're constantly switching between desks, and meeting spaces and trying to figure out where the printer is.

To avoid this problem, it's helpful to work at your old office for a while before you move. This will give everyone time to get used to their new surroundings and make sure they know where everything is. 

4) Arrange your furniture in the new space

Place all of your furniture in the new space before unpacking any boxes. If you have a conference room or meeting space, try it out to make sure it's the right size and shape for you.

This will also give you an idea of where to place your furniture in the office. Place items like printers and photocopiers in easily accessible spots on a table or desk near a wall so they're not taking up valuable floor space. 

5) Bring colours and decorations from the old space to the new one

Bring some of the colours and decorations from your old space to your new one. Maybe you have a favourite painting or even just a favourite chair that will help to make the new space feel more like home.

6) Have fun before the move day

It's only natural to dread the idea of moving offices. They say it takes twice as long and costs three times as much to move, but there are ways to make the process more tolerable.

Start by giving yourself a day or two off before the move. This will give you time to get your head around the inevitable chaos that comes with rearranging an entire office.

7) Make an inspirational board

1. Create a Moving Office board on Pinterest and pin items that inspire you to work hard.

2. Check out some videos of successful companies that have recently moved to get a sense of how they managed their transitions.

3. Write down all the tasks that need to be completed during the move, and prioritize them according to the amount of time they will take so that you know what is due first and what can wait until later.  

Securing profits is the ultimate aim of a business and relocating the business to a new place often plays with your planning to achieve this goal.

This guide offers a great understanding of streamlining the office moving process and ensures that there is no loss of productivity as you pack and move your current facility. Make sure you follow all these tips religiously and ensure a safe office moving experience.  

It is best to partner with a professional office moving company and eliminate any chances of error.

Experienced office movers can make your relocation process easier and take the unwanted stress away allowing you to focus on the core job, i.e., boosting and maintaining productivity.