Snap research highlights “huge untapped potential” of augmented reality for retailers

As consumer expectations of the possibilities of augmented reality grow, a major gulf remains when it comes to brands’ perception of how consumers want to use it - with retail leading the way here, according to research from Snap.

The company surveyed more than 25,000 people across 11 markets, in partnership with Ipsos.

The UK survey reveals 94% of brands still perceive ‘fun’ as the main draw for people to use AR.

In fact, only 54% of people think of it this way, with 55% of UK consumers listing shopping as their top reason for engaging with AR.

People stated that AR makes their shopping experience better, easier and quicker.

Six in ten said it helps them shop in new and exciting ways; while 82% of brands that use AR feel it allows them to provide a seamless customer experience, helping to drive conversion. 

Many see it as a tool to experience a product before making a purchase.

79% of respondents were interested in using AR to ‘place products’ in their environment to visualise how they’ll look. Meanwhile 57% revealed they’re more likely to buy from a brand that allows them to try on an item using this technology. 

While 77% of people are interested in using AR to interact with a product before buying it, only 48% of brands have implemented virtual try on experiences. 

Of those brands already active in this space, 64% said it improves loyalty and customer experience.

82% of brands noted that it helps to drive sales, acquire new customers and drive performance metrics, while 88% stated it improves engagement and appeal to young audiences. It helps their customers to explore the world, connect with others and improve themselves. 

Fintan Gillespie, Head of UK Business Solutions at Snap, says: “250 million Snapchatters engage with AR everyday and this report highlights the huge untapped potential of AR for retailers.”

“This technology is transforming the way we shop and it isn’t an opportunity way off in the future - it’s happening right now. We're excited to see the scale of opportunity for brands to showcase products, push creative boundaries, drive value and most critically - improve conversions to drive real business results."