Lush eyes 2020 launch for Fairer Tablet payment solution

Lush will this week showcase its latest tech innovations in a concept shop at the Web Summit exhibition.

Visitors will be the first to pay with its Fairer Tablet prototype. With 950 shops worldwide, using over 3,800 tills, the retailer wanted to address the fact that these had a big footprint, were full of proprietary software and hard to keep up-to-date with the speed of its product innovation. Lush also had no control over manufacturing and therefore minimal knowledge of components and the processes used to build them.

“We have a background in activism, ethical buying, and pushing for positive change within the cosmetics industry,” says Jack Constantine, Lush CDO.

“It wasn’t a huge leap for us to apply these same principles to the ways in which we use and consume technology. The Fairer Tablet is a clear demonstration that as a business, if you want to interrogate the products or the sectors that you’re working with and champion positive change, you can.”

The tablet, currently in its first prototype stage, is set to launch in Lush’s UK shops by March 2020. It is expected to be used in all its 950 shops worldwide by the end of 2021 and could then be made available for other brands to adapt.

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