Shop Direct partners with Uni of Liverpool to develop next gen of talent

Shop Direct has teamed with the University of Liverpool to develop a programme of activity across STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and other business-related subjects such as marketing and finance.

This will see the Liverpool-based pureplay working with academics to “embed real world business projects into course modules and offering internship opportunities and graduate roles to the University’s students",” a press release notes.

Shop Direct will also support a series of events led by the University’s Careers and Employability team, at which its top brass will talk to students about their career journeys. 

“We’re proud to partner with the University of Liverpool to develop the next generation of talent. Gaining experience in the workplace and of real life business projects helps undergraduates to develop their employability skills and stand out when they enter the job market,” says Helen Miller, Talent, Culture and Communications Director at Shop Direct.

“We also want to show students that the north west is a hub for great tech and data careers, and specifically encourage more young women to apply for roles in these fields at businesses like Shop Direct.”

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