Skips or Frazzles? Tesco reveals social media victor

File under ‘we need no more news today’…The nation has spoken on the burning issue of the day. No, not Brexit. But rather Skips or Frazzles and more specifically, which should be crowned "the snack that takes you back?"

As part of its #Tesco100Years initiative, Tesco has been asking people to cast their vote on its social media channels. And the winner is…drum roll, please…Skips with 53% of the votes (30,883 thumbs up). To celebrate this momentous occasion, the retailer has dropped the price of a six pack from £1 to 50p. Bargain!

The announcement drew a mixed response on social media. Whilst some were happy with the result, numerous Frazzles fans were up in arms. Comments included ‘Didn't like Skips back in the day, don't like them now, so price is irrelevant. Wouldn't even swing by to collect a free bag if I was offered one.  When do we get a second vote, will I be represented on BBC question time this week and who do I hurl a milkshake at?’.

And our personal favourite: ’Tesco Marketing dept: We need to shift massive stocks of Skips and Frazzles just not selling. Ooh let’s dupe the public with a poll then reduce the price’.

Sigh, everyone’s a cynic these days.

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