Brits' top tech picks provide speed, simplicity in-store, Vodat International

Consumers increasingly expect slick digital experiences when they visit bricks and mortar stores. But the moment tech makes an action or process more complicated, they will jump ship, according to research by Vodat International.

The company surveyed 1,000 Brits. 56% said difficult-to-use self-service devices would cause them to abandon their basket in-store. 64% would leave empty handed if an EPoS was too slow or broken. Meanwhile, top Wi-Fi complaints were security fears (42%), complicated log-in processes (36%) and having to supply too much personal data needed for initial sign-up (36%).

At the same time, however, 55% would rather shop elsewhere if free connectivity wasn’t available. Although an even bigger proportion (66%) would leave a store if it suffered from general poor connectivity, causing frustrating Wi-Fi data speeds, slow EPoS and buffering digital screens. 

Roy Reynolds, Technical Director at Vodat International, comments: “Shoppers have lapped up the technology unleashed by online retail disruptors such as Amazon and this has had a significant impact on their expectations in-store. Of all the experiences technology can offer, it’s clear customers still overwhelmingly want technology to enable fast and frictionless interactions.”

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