The trials and tribulations of a HMV staff member

A freelance comedy writer and producer has taken to Twitter to discuss her stint as a HMV employee, and it’s our favourite thing on social media right now.

The post has thus far been retweeted almost 23,000 times and attracted nearly 95,000 likes, much to the surprise of ‘Laura’. “Genuinely thought this would get about 50 likes and be done. Here’s to the horror, and joy, of retail,” she said.

The aforementioned tweet begins: ‘11 years ago I worked in a HMV store and it still remains one of the most surreal employments I’ve ever had’. It then list a series of highlights, our favourite ones being:

‘One day a bloke came in wearing a pair of sunglasses claiming he was Paul Weller. He asked if he could have a selection of CDs by The Jam for free as he’d misplaced his copies’.

‘A man tried to get a refund on a Tom and Jerry boxset because the storylines were repetitive’.

‘One regular customer who looked exactly like the Queen bought The Priests album 4 times. On her fourth purchase I asked why she was getting so many copies.“How do you remember me buying them? Is it because I look like the Queen? Because I get very VERY angry when people say that”

‘And she did. One day another customer told her she looked like the Queen and she hit him with her handbag’.

‘One woman knocked down a shelving unit of Cheryl Cole books and calendars because she said she had the face of a bitch’.

‘Channel 5 news came in to film some vox pops about the X Factor but eventually gave up after everyone they spoke to in the store just ended up calling Simon Cowell a wanker’.

Thanks to Laura for making us chuckle and thanks to HMV for just being HMV.

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