New York takes a stand against cashless stores

New York City Council has voted to ban cashless retail and food stores.

It is passing a bill requiring bricks and mortar outlets in the city to accept US bills and coins or face fines of up to $1,000 and $1,500 for further violations.

Mayor Bill De Blasio is expected to sign it. Businesses would be given nine months to adjust before it took effect.

The aim is to stop discrimination against customers who lack access to credit and debit cards, according to councilman Ritchie Torres, who led the bill.

New York is following in the footsteps of Philadelphia and San Francisco, whist Washington and Chicago also have plans to ban cashless stores.

Amazon Go

Amazon has opened a number of its Amazon Go cashierless stores in New York. These tap AI and cameras to check out customers.

Last year, the e-commerce giant bowed to pressure from those arguing that cashless stores freeze out low-income Americans and agreed to take notes and coins at its outlets.

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