November spawns an online monster as delivery delays loom large

UK online retail sales in November increased by 39% year-on-year, according to IMRG and Capgemini research involving over 200 retailers.

With non-essential physical stores closed due to a coronavirus lockdown and Black Friday discounts running throughout November, this represented a +58% growth from October as well as an increase on the three month rolling average of 34% (though not on the six and 12 month averages of 45% and 40% respectively).

Notable trends in November included a spike in mobile commerce sales, up +110% (YoY), and evidence of consumers buying in bulk, with the average basket value totalling £98 (compared to £75 during the same period in 2019).

Andy Mulcahy, Strategy and Insight Director, IMRG, comments: “Although the rate of growth in November was lower than we’ve seen at other times this year, you have to bear in mind that November volumes are far, far higher than over the spring and summer.”

“For this reason, it was actually a huge month for online growth, especially since it built on a strong rate of growth in 2019. It was also the highest November growth rate since 2007 – and there have been some huge Novembers since Black Friday arrived in the UK.”

He adds: “The positive news for retailers is that the actual monetary spend was the highest we've ever recorded in our index – shoppers started spending early in November and continued to do so right the way through the month.”

This has, however, led to some delivery delays.

“One area of concern will be the fact that sales growth online remained very strong (+52%) in week one of December, so the volumes are still incredibly high as we approach Christmas, causing further pressure for carriers,” Mulcahy concludes.

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