Thompson & Morgan back onboard with Lokulus tech

Garden retailer, Thompson & Morgan, has reinstated Lokulus as its technology partner after a three year hiatus.

Following its acquisition by the BVG Group in 2017, the venture has updated its systems and platforms.

It will install Lokulus’s flagship product, Spectra, across all channels. This will display all channels of communication, back office systems integration and CTI enrichment onto a single workspace.

Thompson & Morgan says that it will take advantage of the product’s automation and artificial intelligence capabilities to “drive efficiency across the business, with a conservative forecast in efficiency gains of 25 – 50% over the coming months.”

Melanie Wood, Joint Managing Director at Thompson & Morgan, says: “Our market is influenced by seasonal demand in line with growing seasons, so finding the optimal balance between having enough operational capacity to meet demand spikes, and enhancing the customer experience during these busy periods is key for us.”

“Having worked with Lokulus before, we are confident in their products and look forward to seeing the results for both us and our customers.” 

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