Instacart rolls out Leave at My Door Delivery across North America

Over the past few months, Instacart has been testing out a Leave at My Door Delivery feature with a group of customers in the US and Canada. And it has now deployed it across North America.

Customers can opt-in to the service as part of their delivery options at checkout, and can also provide more specific instructions like a gate code or apartment number. A real-time photo will alert them when their groceries are at their doorstep.

During the last week, Instacart has observed a significant surge in consumer adoption and opt-in usage of the feature as people hole up against the coronavirus.

“Leave at My Door Delivery was originally designed to provide a more flexible option for customers that may not be home at the time of delivery. As part of our tests, we found that customers were using the feature in many more ways,” the company says in an online post. 

“Whether doorbell conscious with a sleeping baby, in the backyard with the kids, or not feeling well, Leave at My Door Delivery gives customers the flexibility to have their groceries delivered without having to come to the door or be at home.”

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