Klarna shows retailers how to gain and retain in a post coronavirus world

A new report from buy now, pay later specialist Klarna highlights how retailers can stay relevant in a post Covid-19 landscape.

The company surveyed 2,000 UK shoppers. A third said that intelligent or humourous advertising would encourage them to visit a brand or retailer’s website or store. 60% stated that when they love a brand or retailer, they’ll actively try and convert their friends. Price remains king, however, with 58% observing that this plays a key role in deciding to use a new brand.

Physical experiences remain important

The report also highlights the role that in-store experiences will continue to have in the future, especially when it comes to customer acquisition. 35% of consumers say that an enjoyable in-store experience would make them more likely to shop with a retailer, and for 30%  it would make them more likely to purchase more from a company. 

One fifth of those in the Gen-Z audience had their first interaction with a brand through a pop-up shop or physical experience. This age demographic were also the most likely to value additional in-store services such as Wi-Fi, food and drink and charging stations.

Laurel Wolfe, VP of Marketing at Klarna, comments: “In today’s world, marketers across the globe are being challenged to think differently about how they approach customer acquisition and retention, especially in light of the current situation.”

“Our report highlights the importance of selecting well-connected partners. By being strategic with their partnerships, retailers will see cost efficiencies, increased sales and the flexibility to redirect budget to areas where it could be better spent.”

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