Social media can really boost your SME

With any type of business, you will find that promotion is key. You will probably have already invested into different areas of your business, from technology to cyber security and much more.

If you have not looked already, be sure to look at cheap vps for your business and store things on the cloud to be sure that you are always safe and secure. Once this is all done and up and running, you must look at how to utilise the most powerful tool on the internet right now...which is, social media. 

Be savvy on social media. It is a powerful tool and you need to use it wisely. Using Facebook and Twitter to promote your website, business, sales and services is a must and is probably something you already do but are you doing it just right? Scheduling tweets and posts can be vital if you are busy or are trying to juggle a few things at once and there are websites such as Onlypult that allow you to schedule ahead of time.

Try to be present at least three times a day, even if this is just liking other posts, but be sure you’re active in replying to DMs and also any customer queries as often customers’ first port of call these days is online. Spend an hour or so reading through and commenting on new posts, be sure to leave a link to your website where necessary and keep posting because this in turn will generate interest.

People may give a quick click to your website and really want to buy into what you do or sell. There really is no end in the social media circle - be present. Be ready. Enjoy it. Outsource if needs be to certain types of social media managers but make sure you pick the one that is best for your niche. 

Use Pinterest more. If you want to, add a Pinterest button to all your website photos or any products that you sell, in order for people to pin if they wish and share. Here are some quick pointers as to why social media is really the place to be. 

●     You can reach large audiences far and wide and local.

●     You have a direct connection with your audience - talk to them about offers and your services.

●     You can create organic content - which can always be linked back to you as a brand.

●     You have access to paid advertising services - you can invest marketing budget into promoting your website.

●     You build your brand so that people can appreciate your business. 

●     You drive traffic to your website to encourage sales and interest in you.

●     You can evaluate your performance and see what is working and what isn’t. Often Google analytics will pick up on all algorithms and statistics which will be very important for you going forwards. 

All in all, it’s a powerful tool and when used to your advantage you can plan many of your digital marketing tasks around it. Including promotions and new sales.