Enterprise Mac management: Secrets to boosting corporate UX

Mac devices are the top choice for enterprises because they offer a premium brand appeal along with a clean interface and exceptional features for the users.

But as you embrace these devices for your business, you need to be aware of the fact that you will need to go the extra mile with managing them. It is a worthy investment in the enterprise environment because you can avail the benefits of better performance and productivity of the employees.

Moreover, enhanced security comes as a bonus. Here are the secrets to boosting corporate user experience with Mac devices. 

Enrolment and supervision 

There are multiple users and devices in the enterprise ecosystem, which makes it essential for the business to enroll, configure and supervise them. Enterprise IT admins need to work on creating comprehensive policies for configuration and consistent supervision for better management.

Also, they have to implement email and exchange settings for the enterprise macOS devices so that users can perform seamlessly through their life span with the company.

Security and privacy

Another aspect that you cannot overlook when it comes to corporate UX with Mac systems is user security and privacy. These devices give you an advantage because they come with built-in security and privacy settings.

All you need to do is to extend these settings and you can ensure tighter control for the devices that are a part of the enterprise environment. Further, anti-virus software, passwords and firewall settings are some additional measures that IT teams can rely on.

Device maintenance

Enterprise Mac management also includes regular device maintenance so that they deliver top-notch performance at all times. It makes sense to invest in periodic cleanups with Cleanmymac X to keep the corporate device at an optimal performance level.

Further, the IT team should always be there to extend instant support as and when employees experience any glitches with their systems or need help with updates, security or any other issues.


Device personalisation takes you the extra mile with Mac management in enterprise settings and it can have a significant impact on the UX as well. You can configure device wallpapers to reflect corporate branding on enterprise-owned macOS systems.

IT admins can even design the UX by allowing or blocking certain Apple offerings such as notes, reminders, drive, calendars, and bookmarks. Apart from personalised experiences for the users, it lets the company control the activities of the employees.

Network settings 

When it comes to enhancing the corporate UX, you would want to empower the employees with mobility so that they can work from anywhere. To enable the users to plug and work remotely, IT admins need to implement multiple network configurations on the employee devices.

These configurations should enable the employees to connect to the nearest available WiFi networks approved for security by the enterprise IT. This ensures productivity for the users without putting the confidential corporate data at risk.

Enterprise Mac management can go a long way in empowering users with better experiences, productivity, and security. So it makes sense to invest in the right tools and best practices for getting the best results.