Databricks helps Gousto make data driven decisions

Recipe box venture Gousto is tapping in to Databricks data management and artificial intelligence technology.

The company has developed proprietary algorithms that optimise the speed of box packing, maximising pick accuracy and minimising food waste. These run across more than 50 weekly recipes, from Joe Wicks Lean in 15 and family classics to an expanding range of meat-free plant-based options. 

Gousto expects to report a maiden profit in 2020. It says that through its work with Databricks, it will boost its technology platform as it prepares to roll-out next-day delivery and meal customisation. 

“We identified Databricks as the standard in building real-time data platforms. The platform brings data engineering, data analytics and data science closer together, with a huge potential to make our journey to data strategy more efficient and collaborative,” says Gousto’s Chief Technology Officer, Shaun Pearce.

“We have reduced the time it takes to develop new ideas from days to minutes and increased the availability and accuracy of our data. This is essential as we continue to grow at pace, expanding our customer fulfilment capacity from one factory to four in the next year.”

Gousto moved from daily batch updates to near-real-time streaming data, utilising AutoLoader and Delta Lake. The platform provided by Databricks enables it to respond to increased demand during the coronavirus outbreak by providing real-time insight into performance on the factory picking lines.

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