Three ways to be more environmentally conscious

You don’t have to be an eco-warrior to do your part in saving the planet. With climate change and sustainability being a high priority for the human race, you might wonder what role you can play in helping the environment.

In this article, we’ll explore three simple ways you can make more environmentally conscious choices in your everyday life.


Recycling conserves the planet’s natural resources, reduces carbon emissions, and saves energy. Before you throw an item away, ask yourself whether you could recycle it instead. The more people recycle, the less need there will be for landfill sites and incineration plants that pollute the environment.

In addition to recycling paper, be mindful of your consumption. According to the University of Southern Indiana, for each ton of paper produced, 17  trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water are used.

You can help by taking steps such as re-using wrapping paper from gifts, buying recycled paper for stationery, and reading the news online instead of buying a newspaper.

When it comes to fashion, the production of clothes can have damaging effects on the environment. Synthetic fibers such as polyester are non-biodegradable and can stay in landfill sites for 200 years before they decompose. 

Through washing, these synthetic fibers contribute to microplastic pollution in the ocean threatening biodiversity and sealife.

You can do your part by buying less clothing, and when you do make a purchase, buy high quality items from sustainable brands. Instead of throwing out garments, take them to recycling centres, consider doing a clothes swap with friends, or redesign them with a bit of imagination.

Use the right lighting

Replace the lights in your home with eco-friendly bulbs such as LED lights, which use up to 90% less energy than traditional bulbs. LEDs also last longer than conventional light bulbs with many giving up to 50,000 hours of light. That’s almost 50 times longer than normal incandescent lights.

Installing this type of lighting will mean you consume less energy and do not need to replace your bulbs as frequently. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, by 2027, the widespread use of LED lighting could save $30 billion in energy costs and reduce the use of electricity by the equivalent of 44 1,000-megawatt power plants.

Also, consider switching your energy provider to a more environmentally conscious one. There are renewable energy providers on the market such as Rhythm, a Texas renewable energy company that offers a 100% renewable energy plan.

Eliminate food waste

Throwing out food is not only bad for your wallet, but it also negatively impacts the environment. Energy and resources are required to transport this waste to landfill sites where the food decomposes, producing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. 

By planning your food purchases according to your needs, you can help to reduce the effects of climate change as a result of food waste. 

Never underestimate the role you can play in solving these issues; everyone can make a difference.