Go Instore live video offering in demand as Covid restrictions lift

Go Instore reports that its live video solution has remained popular despite the option to return to stores since lockdown restrictions eased in the UK.

In the first four weeks of physical shopping reopening, the offering has seen over 2.4 million unique visitors as customers continue to venture online.  

Go Instore also says that brands using its platform have notched up an average conversion rate of 19%. 

There has also been a 4.7% increase in average order value (AOV) since lockdown restrictions lifted. 

Andre Hordagoda, Co-CEO and Co-Founder at Go Instore, says: “The pandemic has clearly changed the way people shop and accelerated an already growing shift to online.”

“Retailers must adapt to consumer demands and offer the same experience to both online and in-store customers. An enhanced digital experience will allow retailers to improve their overall offering and increase online revenues.”  

He adds: “Our post-lockdown results reaffirm that shoppers are getting the same value from their online experiences as they would in-stores. Live video solutions are leading them to increase their spend via online channels. It’s important to remember that stores and their staff are still being used, just digitally.

“Footfall should now be measured not just by physical visitors to the store, but also those 'entering' via video. The future of retail is not about online vs. offline, it’s about combining the two to create a true omnichannel strategy.”

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