Coop Switzerland enlists Zetes for in-store handheld terminals refresh

Zetes has supplied a new estate of handheld terminals to the Swiss Coop Group across more than 2,200 sales outlets. 

This comprises 10,000 Zebra PS20 personal shoppers for customers and 13,500 Datalogic Memor20 mobile computers for store employees. The aim was to replace an ageing device pool, previously supplied by Zetes.

The Datalogic handhelds in smartphone format will be deployed to shopfloor supermarket staff, enabling the accurate maintaining of shelf and warehouse stock levels.

The Zebra PS20s serve as personal assistants for Coop Switzerland’s in-store customers. Barcodes of items are scanned as they are placed in the shopping cart without the need for the device to be removed from its shopping cart cradle.

The Android devices have interactive apps that display additional product information or relevant shopping recommendations.

"I was thrilled by the smooth and precise roll-out of 13,500 Memor and the parallel delivery of 10,000 PS20,” says August Harder, who is responsible for IT at Coop Switzerland. 

He adds: “I like that Zetes was able to deliver the new mobile computer Datalogic Memor 20 in large numbers, even though it was only presented shortly before the start of the project."