Eight fantastic ways how you can increase storage space in your home

Ah, storage. The lifeblood of modern day living and the bane of modern day purging.

People can never seem to get rid of things; they tend to collect too much stuff over time, which only takes up valuable space in their homes. But it doesn't have to be like that.

By introducing a few storage hacks into your home, you can quickly increase the number of things you can keep while not sacrificing style or cleanliness. 

And here's how…

1.   Use wall hooks and shelves wherever possible

Get creative with your walls. Shelves and mounted hooks are an easy way to add extra storage space in a stylish manner without breaking up the flow of any room. You'll be surprised at how much you can store.

2.   Hanging baskets are like shelves with plants

Just as shelves make the best use of walls, hanging baskets make the best use of empty ceiling space. Use these as plant holders or to hold cookbooks; whatever suits your house.

They're an excellent way to bring natural beauty into a home while increasing storage capacity at the same time.

3.   Get a stylish shoe cabinet

Shoe cabinets help keep shoes off the floor and out of sight until they're ready to be used again.

Sure, they might take up precious hallway space, but if you have enough room, then why not? Plus, shoe cabinets come in all sorts of unique designs that can add a touch of your personality to any hallway.

4.   Clean out under the bed

Seriously, clean it out. Despite what you might think there's probably enough space in there for about three pairs of shoes and some odds and ends.

Use this newfound storage area for books or extra clothes; whatever is best suited! Plus, now you don't have to worry about cleaning under the bed with all the junk gone. 

5.   Get (or make) a bookcase headboard

Bookcases as headboards are perfect if you like reading before falling asleep but hate having stacks of books next to your pillows.

They're also a perfect way to add storage space vertically in a room without the risk of everything falling over and breaking. There are plenty of store bought bookcase headboards out there, or you can find unofficial tutorials for making your own from scratch. 

6.   Invest in an outdoor shed

Make use of a fabulous custom built shed or garage.

This will let you store away garden tools, bikes, barbecues and anything else that needs storing outside without having to stand them up in a corner or leave them out to rust during bad weather. 

7. Create a storage building

Sometimes, there just mightn’t be enough space inside your home to store everything. While that seems a shame, it doesn’t mean you’re out of options. Instead, it’s worth looking outside. If you have the space in your garden, you could consider building a storage space in it.

With a self-storage steel framing company, you shouldn’t have much of a problem designing and building it. Even if you only have a little bit of space, you could still make one. You’ll end up with more space than you know what to do with.

8.   Don't forget about under the stairs

Who says that these are just for kids? Under stair storage options are fast becoming popular, especially in homes where there's no attic access.

They're easy to install, attractive looking and only take up floor space when opened - meaning that they also happen to be extremely practical too.

You can fit all sorts of items into one of these units, including towels, clothes etc. Plus, it gives you a lot more floor space when it isn't being used. 

9.   Go old school with some shelf brackets

Bookshelves can also double as room dividers depending on how tall they are and how many shelves they have.

What's more is that they look good and they're a great place to store books, DVDs or magazines that you want to keep but don't have room for anywhere else.