Grabango throws weight behind efforts to eliminate food deserts

Checkout-free technology firm, Grabango, says that it is committing 1% of its grocery technology and 1% of its employees’ time to eliminating food deserts and improving access to healthy food in underserved communities. 

It has joined Pledge 1%, which aims to inspire companies to leverage their assets for good.

Food deserts are geographic areas where residents live without practical access to the healthy, economical food typically carried in grocery stores. 

As a result, residents must rely on fast food options or prepackaged snacks from corner liquor stores, which are often high in saturated fats, salt, and refined sugars.

“So much of modern technology is built for the wealthy first, and only eventually trickles down for use in our broader society,” says Will Glaser, CEO at Grabango.

“We're seeking to do just the opposite. We want to benefit those most in need by donating our technology for use in the neighbourhoods with the fewest nutritional resources. Working in partnership with the Pledge 1% movement on this objective was a natural fit for us.”

“We’re honoured to partner with Grabango to further their efforts to promote community wellness by generously committing employee time and product to improve the lives of millions of people in need of nutritious food at a reasonable price,” says Amy Lesnick, Chief Executive and President at Pledge 1%.

“Grabango is an amazing role model for other purpose-driven companies striving to leverage their own unique strengths and ecosystem to generate meaningful impact. Together, we’re building a vibrant movement - and companies like Grabango are key to making this a reality.”