Glovo unveils digital learning programme for couriers

On-demand delivery venture, Glovo, has launched G-Learning, which aims to help couriers and platform workers gain access to more qualified jobs by providing online training courses and tools.

The idea came from surveying Glovo couriers across its 25 markets and recognising that ‘learning’, ‘training’ and ‘courses’ appeared in the top five opportunities they would like to seek. 

Glovo has partnered with Foxize for the platform set-up, and Goodhabitz for the content.

The former is currently  offering more than 110 courses in several languages, including English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Spanish. And up to four short courses will also be offered in all languages, and will be operating in all markets by the middle of 2022.

This is the main tool Glovo will use for the implementation of the learning and development pillar of The Couriers Pledge, a commitment made in partnership with Fairwork, to increase the social rights and benefits available to couriers, regardless of employment or work status with the company. 

Having introduced this in Morocco and Georgia last year, and most recently in Poland last month, Glovo intends to roll-out the initiative to all markets by the end of 2023.

G-Learning courses are currently available in 10 countries, including; Ghana, Italy, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Portugal, Spain, Uganda, and most recently in Poland. 

Glovo plans to continue to expand the markets and languages in which the G-Learning platform is available, with a goal to have it available in all itsregions by the end of 2022.

So far, 2,453 couriers have registered for the G-Learning platform and 15% have completed three quarters of enrolled courses, demonstrating the demand for high training programmes. 

The top five courses include Speak Business English, Excel Essentials, Microsoft 365 Teams, Mind Your Brain and Strategic Marketing. 

Sacha Michaud, Glovo Co-founder at Glovo, says: “The gig economy has been a great source of income and flexibility for many, but it is not without its challenges.”

“Through our development and implementation of The Couriers Pledge, we’ve been able to provide more social rights to our couriers, by improving insurance coverage, setting fair hourly earnings and providing access to safety and maintenance provisions.”

“But we will not stop there. G-Learning was launched from the demand for training and educational courses, giving our couriers the opportunity to pursue longer-term career plans.” 

“We not only want to positively impact the couriers which work with us, but we want to set new industry standards for a fairer gig economy overall and ensure the topic of platform workers' rights is at the top of the agenda.”

“Our aim is to work with local governments and communities to ensure that couriers have access to the training and learning they deserve to better their careers.”