Ingka Centres makes circular economy move with Circuit launch

Ingka Centres has launched Circuit, a curated community hub for visitors to learn how to repair, reuse, rent and recycle all kinds of products.

Ingka Centres, part of the Ingka Group (which also includes Ikea Retail and Ingka Investments), has opened the first of these at Birsta City, Sweden, offering access to a range of circular economy services and retailers.

This has a welcome desk, lounge area and community ‘swap shop’ at its heart.

There is a Repair Station staffed by community led businesses, and circular retailers such as AB Småland plus Hyber which offers rental and subscription services for children’s wear and equipment.

Circuit will also offer vintage and second-hand stalls for “a contemporary twist on the traditional flea market.”

Ingka Centres’ Global Commercial and Digital Director, Jens Nielsen, comments: “We’re all becoming more conscious of our consumption, with many of our simple everyday pleasures coming at a cost to both ourselves and the planet.”

“But it doesn’t have to be this way; by making it easier to repair, reuse and recycle we can help our visitors achieve more with less, and live within the limits of our planet. Our meeting places are at the heart of communities, and so they are a natural location for inspiring local people.”

“With the support of partners offering products made from renewable or recycled materials, Circuit makes it easy and exciting for our visitors and the local community to live in ways that are friendlier to both the planet and their pockets, and  I believe such spaces have potential to spread across our portfolio in the future.”