Tortoise brings mobile vending robots to San Diego Comic-Con

Tortoise is partnering with Sodexo to bring a mobile smart store - aka a vending machine with wheels - to Comic-Con this year.

One of Tortoise’s robots, carrying Sodexo’s carne asada burritos and 20 ounce bottles of Gatorade, will be present in the main Pavilion at the San Diego Convention Center to service Comic-Con’s estimated crowd of 135,000 attendees from 21st-24th July.

"We're always looking to innovate the guest experience in a way that is both helpful and exciting," says Steve Pangburn, CEO, North America, Sodexo Live!

Convention guests can approach the roaming cart, tap to pay with a credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay, take their item and go, all in less than 15 seconds.


Last year, Albertsons, the second largest grocery store chain in the US, partnered with Tortoise to pilot robot delivery at two Safeway stores in Northern California.

“Our team is obsessed with trying new and disruptive technologies that can bring more convenience for our customers,” said Chris Rupp, EVP and Chief Customer and Digital Officer. 

“We are willing to quickly test, learn, and implement winning innovations that ensure we are offering the easiest and most convenient shopping experience in the entire industry.” 

The Safeway robot was equipped with a camera and a speaker and was guided through the neighbourhood by a remote operator. It was capable of holding up to 120 pounds of groceries in four lockable containers.

When it arrived at a home, the customer received a text to come outside and pick up their groceries.