Strategies for marketing a new product or service

Have you recently designed or manufactured a new product that you think your customer base will love?

Or have you come up with a cool new service for which clients have been clamouring? Perhaps you’re just about to start a new business selling brand new wares that you’re bringing to the world.

And in a world where competition is high in all sectors, it's imperative you stand out above the competition to draw attention in the right way. From using a tech pr agency to market your new tech service or product to developing an expert in-house team, you need to reach those who need to know about what you are doing.

Regardless of your situation, certain strategies can make all the difference when it’s time to market a new product or service.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a great place to start, particularly if you already have a decent-sized list of newsletter or email subscribers that you’ve built up previously.

You can send out an update about your new wares and give people you know are already interested in your offerings the first chance to hear about what you’re launching next.

SMS marketing

On the other hand, you might like to utilise mass texting software to send bulk messages to your subscriber database.

If you’ve created a launch video or some other collateral that showcases what you’re bringing to market, sending out texts can be a great way to provide people with a link where they can watch what you’ve created and get interested in your new offering.

SMS marketing is an increasingly popular strategy since most people have a smartphone and keep it on or near them all day. It’s common for people to read their texts ASAP, whereas emails can sometimes be missed or left unread due to email overwhelm.

If you want to offer a flash sale or some other time-sensitive deal on your new product or service, you might like to text subscribers about it so that they read your message quickly and act on it fast, too.

Social media

Social media may have been around for a while, but it’s still an excellent avenue for marketing and sales. It can work very well to inform the public about a new product or service you’re releasing.

You likely have one platform where you have a bigger and more engaged audience (different social media sites tend to be popular with different target markets), so it’s best to start with that one to get the most bang for your buck, time-wise.

Or, if you’re unsure how to best talk about your new wares, you could share your news on the sites where you don’t have such a large following and test different content to see what works best before you share it on your primary platform.


We no longer live in a time when advertising means paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for a short commercial on TV or radio or a one-time ad in a magazine or newspaper.

While these are still options, of course, a much more affordable choice today is to advertise online. Digital solutions include things like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and ads on popular blogs and websites.

If you want to test out the latter option, you could purchase advertising space on a site, pay for a sponsored blog post, get your business or new product or service featured in a directory, or talk to sites about specific campaigns that are set up to suit your needs and goals.

Search engine optimisation

One of the best value-for-money solutions over time is search engine optimization (SEO). This is where you work on your website, so it ranks more highly on search engines such as Google and Bing.

While it can take time to see movement in this area, if you’re focused and have a smart strategy and start working on SEO in the months leading up to your product or service launch, you can soon start seeing more traffic visit your site that you haven’t had to pay for, advertising wise.

While it may be one of the most challenging area, it’s the one that will drive you the most organic traffic.

Also, if you feel like you won’t be able to deal with it yourself you can search for the best SEO services in London or anywhere in the world.


If you want to make a lot of sales quickly and your audience frequents trade shows or conferences, exhibiting at such events can also be an excellent way to let large numbers of people know about your new offerings and get the orders coming in.

You could also speak at or sponsor an event or even offer your new products or services to be used by event organizers in a competition or lucky door prize, etc., at the event.

If you’re launching a new service, a speaking engagement can be particularly effective. You can showcase your expertise and passion and help people build trust in your venture.

Some other strategies you might like to consider for product or service launches are working with influencers, running contests and giveaways, sending physical mail-outs to your database mentioning your brand new wares, or even sending samples.

If you’re clear about who your ideal buyer is, you should find it much easier to decide where to put your energies when preparing for a launch. Start working on your plans today, so you give your campaigns the best chance of success.