Amazon gives UK charities reason to smile

More than 2,000 UK charities are now live on AmazonSmile. Customers who shop at can choose a charity who will receive donations (0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible products) from the e-commerce giant at no additional cost to the customer or charity.

Charities onboard include British Red Cross, Cancer Research UK, The Royal British Legion, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity, RSPCA, Save the Children and WWF UK. “We're offering a simple way for customers to support good causes and with more than two thousand new charities from across the country now available to choose from, everyone should be able to find a cause close to their heart,” says Jan Lakotta, UK Manager, AmazonSmile. “Following in the footsteps of AmazonSmile in the US, where more than $69 million has been donated to charity since launching, we want to make it as easy as possible for people to support the charities they care about without having to change the way they shop.”