One4all Spotlight Awards: enter now

The One4all Spotlight Awards are returning for a third year running, giving UK retail businesses the opportunity to nominate, recognise and reward their exceptional staff. Nominations are open now and close on 6th July.

Winners will receive up to £300 in One4all gift cards, which can be spent in more than 50,000 stores nationwide. Alan Smith, UK Managing Director at One4all Rewards, says: “Since launching the awards back in 2016 we have seen hundreds of businesses taking the opportunity to recognise the hard work of their staff, free of charge. We understand it can be hard to reward staff for their efforts, especially in times where budgets are limited, but UK bosses need to remember the impact recognition and gratitude for a job well done can have on staff morale and happiness in work.”

The awards will be judged by a panel of independent experts from the business world and a representative from One4all Rewards. 

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