Retail Week 2018 Tech. Awards: winners announced
Shop Direct, Specsavers, Asos, Argos and The Hut Group were among the winners at the Retail Week 2018 Tech. Awards, which took place in London last week.
Specsavers picked up the Personalisation Pioneer gong, Shop Direct (with AWIN and Vouchercloud) were praised for excellence in digital marketing, Asos were named Payments Pioneer, Argos went home with the Tech Team of the Year award and The Hut Group landed the award for Cloud Tech Retailer of the Year.
Further details here.
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Featured names Siva Lakshmanan and Yogesh Kulkarni as joint CEOs
Retail technologyStaff WriterRetail Week 2018 Tech. Awards, Retail technology, Omnichannel retail, Online retail, Payments, Personalisation, Cloud technologyComment