Aptos report highlights key Golden Quarter opportunities and challenges

A new Aptos Golden Quarter report emphasises consumers’ escalating expectations for store experiences, stock availability and a unified journey across all channels.

The company asked 4,000 consumers (2,000 in the UK and 2,000 in the US) about their shopping habits and preferences during the peak retail sales period that runs from October through to December.

Stores remain the preferred shopping channel for the majority of UK and US consumers. A key driver of in-store traffic is buy online, pick up in-store/Click and Collect. Approximately 50% of shoppers (UK 52%; US 47%) will, meanwhile, start looking elsewhere if their favourite retailer runs out of stock during the Golden Quarter.

“The Golden Quarter presents a surge in footfall and sales, with unlimited opportunity to win customer loyalty and build meaningful connections that will benefit retailers in the years ahead. However, this season can also be unforgiving and simple missteps can cause shoppers to stray to a competitor,” says Noel Goggin, CEO and Culture Leader at Aptos.

“In the current retail market, there’s an abundance of brands and shopping channels for consumers to choose from. Shoppers have so many options, and as such they can be very unpredictable in their choices. Retailers cannot afford to ignore the basics.”

Click here to download the full Aptos Golden Quarter report.

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