Beauty industry revolution powered by Millennials and cool tech, Beyou

Millennials are driving the evolving uber-fication and democratisation of the UK’s £10 billion beauty industry, according to Charlotte Green and Nawal Alkhedairy, founders of mobile app venture Beyou.

Green says: “The beauty industry is undergoing a seismic shift. This is being fuelled by on-the-go innovative tech, which is redefining and reshaping the way we engage with people, information, and brands in our every day lives. It’s based upon the Uber-fication effect, in the way we want our goods and services delivered to us. It’s revolutionised expectations. The shifts are happening in real-time and quicker than ever before.”

The Beyou app initially launched in London and has now become available nationwide. Millennials represent the largest age demographic for the startup at 44%, followed by Generation X (40-60) at 32% and Generation Z (16-25) at 20%, whilst the over-60s represent 4%. “This is likely to be because they are the first generation that grew up with the internet. They are ‘digital natives’ - unconsciously competent users of both computers and of the internet and now smart devices,” observes Alkhedairy.

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