Moda in Pelle enlists Visualsoft for Pink Ribbon charity event

Shoe retailer, Moda in Pelle, reports a 33% increase in transactions through a social media marketing campaign in support of the Pink Ribbon Foundation.

The aim was to increase sales over the May bank holiday period and generate enough revenue to donate up to £50,000 to the charity that raises money for breast cancer charities across the UK. Working with Visualsoft, Moda in Pelle launched Pink Friday, in which customers were offered 50% off selected lines, with 5% of all sales donated.

Visualsoft’s team created a digital campaign to promote the project. This included a landing page to showcase the charity and a tagged product page to highlight all half-price lines. It took in PPC, affiliate marketing, social media and email, with gifted influencer marketing to directly engage Moda in Pelle’s target audience. And it was supported by in-store promotions in which the first person to mention Pink Friday sale received a free pair of shoes up to the value of £100.

Overall, the company saw an increase of 3,000 followers throughout the Pink Friday campaign and  says that it achieved its best ever sales performance outside of a Black Friday week.

Anil Patel, E-commerce Director at Moda in Pelle, comments: “The reaction to the Pink Ribbon charity event was truly staggering. It was clear that both our customers and in-store colleagues really bought into what we were trying to do, making a difference to people’s lives in our own way.” 

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