Coronavirus latest: John Lewis Partnership looks to support the vulnerable

The John Lewis Partnership has announced new measures to support customers during the coronavirus outbreak.

Of particular note is a £1 million Community Support Fund to be distributed by Waitrose stores to local communities, and protected shopping time for the elderly and the vulnerable.

The Partnership is also exploring offering online classes and advice from staff members to customers who are having to self-isolate at home. These could include craft classes and advice for expectant parents. 

“At this time of national crisis, we are wholeheartedly committed to ensuring we support customers and in particular the elderly and most vulnerable. Our commitment to contribute to the wellbeing of the communities we operate in has always been at the heart of our business,” says Sharon White, Chairman of the John Lewis Partnership.

“Partners have been outstanding, supporting eachother and responding to the huge surge in demand at Waitrose. More than 2,100 John Lewis Partners are helping in Waitrose shops this month and supporting deliveries; I am truly grateful to everyone.”

Further details here.

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