Morrisons contactless payments limit rises to £45 today
Morrisons has upped the contactless card payments limit from £30 to £45 as part of its move to reduce the use of cash during the coronavirus pandemic.
The new limit has been operational at some UK retailers since 1st April, but it may take some time before it can be applied everywhere, for instance, at retailers who are currently operating at peak capacity.
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Since the coronavirus outbreak started, Morrisons has been asking customers to pay, where possible, by card or smartphone to help reduce cash handling and limit the number of physical interactions taking place..
David Potts, Chief Executive at Morrisons, says: “We want to thank all our customers for using less cash as it is another step in helping to keep our customers and colleagues safe. We’re pleased to be able to help them further by increasing the limit on contactless cards.”
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PaymentsStaff WriterMorrisons, Contactless payments, Payments, Cash, Supermarkets, Mobile payments, Contactless limit, Bricks and mortar retail, Coronavirus outbreakComment