JoJo Maman Bébé gets personal with Monetate AI tech

JoJo Maman Bébé is using artificial intelligence technology from Monetate to deliver personalised shopping experiences.

Natalie Ong, Online Merchandiser, JoJo Maman Bébé, says: “There’s overlap between the segments we target. Maternity customers will be thinking ahead and looking at babywear, but they may also have children already, so they’ll be interested in childrenswear. As a result, knowing the right messaging and product recommendations to communicate is complex.”

Personalised messaging to the influx of visitors to the retailer’s sites over the last holiday period resulted in a 124% increase in homepage engagement, a 25% uplift in conversion, and a 25% increase in new visitor conversion.

JoJo added an additional layer of insight by feeding in its own CRM data, which includes a pool of Lifetime Value (LTV) data. It says that it is now able to act on the intent of each customer in real-time.

With creative assets designed for each customer group, AI technology decides which variant takes priority in the main section of the homepage based on everything known about each site visitor across channels. This helps to quickly move customers to the section of the site that matter most for them at that specific time.

Laurin Senior, E-commerce Website Manager, JoJo Maman Bébé, comments: “Personalisation is instrumental to our business performance. Not only have we seen significant uplifts in conversion and engagement from providing our customers with tailored communications, but we have also gained useful customer insights that inform strategic decisions to help our business grow.”