Top 10: last week’s most popular retail technology articles
These are the retail tech articles that caught your fancy last week.
20 technology startups powering a new era of retail
Tesco customers call for contactless limit rise
Lidl Ireland customers can now plan ahead with WhatsApp chatbot
Six stand out retail technology funding rounds
10 innovative retail technology deployments and pilots
Food for thought: Supermarkets and the 4G coverage opportunity
Huggg and British Red Cross create volunteer shopping option isolated people
Vegan brands offer home delivery box for coronavirus lockdown
Decathlon Deutschland deploys MishiPay mobile technology
Tracking the retail technology sector during the coronavirus
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Checkout-free stores - is a hybrid model the best way forward?
Retail technologyStaff WriterRetail technology, Contactless payments, Payments, Startups, Funding rounds, Bricks and mortar retail, Mobile payments, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Supermarkets, 4GComment