Five important components of cohensive business branding

To make sure your branding is converting as many potential customers as possible, it’s important to ensure your brand is consistent across all areas of your business. Here are five important components of successful and cohesive branding. 

1 - Simple and consistent logo

The easiest way to ensure your branding is cohesive is by making sure your logo is present on all brand marketing material. It shouldn’t just be present next to your business name and on your website - it should be everywhere. 

If your logo is complicated or unappealing to look at, it may be time to redesign it to better reflect your brand personality. Simple logos with one or two colors will help your customers remember your business, and increase your earnings

2 - Brand vision

If you don’t already have a brand vision and tagline, now is the time to develop these. Your brand vision outlines what your business is all about and where you want to go.

While you, as a business owner, may know what your brand is all about, it’s important that everyone else in the company does too. Your marketing team should know this of course, but your frontline workers should also have a very clear understanding of your brand vision.

This will ensure that, at all levels of your company, the same brand vision is being promoted to your customers and clients. 

3 - Online and offline marketing consistency

When something positive for your brand happens offline, this should be reflected online, and vice versa.

For example, if you host a charity event, make sure you post about this on social media afterward. Likewise, your offline marketing events should inform current and potential customers about what is happening online. 

Again, you should ensure that your logo is front and center at both online and offline events. 

4 - Reflect brand in the small stuff

While maintaining brand cohesivity through your various marketing channels is important, you should also ensure that the other, less obvious components of your business portray the same brand image and vision. This can include everything from employee outfits to the office and retail space designs. 

If your brand is all about luxury, you’ll want your spaces to be modern and sleek, and your employee dress to be formal. On the other hand, if your brand is more down to earth and kitschy, you may not want to use a standard layout for your retail space.

In this case, you may wish to look for mismatched thrifted furniture, such as chests of drawers and tv stands. If the thrifted look isn’t quite your thing, another option includes choosing a new tv stand and refinishing it to match your brand design. 

The main takeaway here is to avoid missing any opportunities to showcase your brand’s personality and get creative with how this can be achieved. 

5 - Partnerships that make sense

If you own a makeup brand, it may not make sense to hire a male hockey player to represent your business.

When you’re first starting out, it can be tempting to accept partnerships from anyone who is willing, but it’s important that representatives and collaborating partners fit your brand’s image.

If you have a limited budget, look for small to medium-sized influencers who are aligned with your brand’s vision.