Kazidomi adds Adyen Planet tool to payments offering

Kazidomi, an online retailer that sells healthy and organic foods, has deployed Adyen’s new Planet tool.

This lets Adyen’s merchants offer their shoppers the opportunity to offset the carbon footprint of their purchases at the end of the checkout process. 

The feature, which can be implemented at no additional cost to the merchant, directly supports climate action projects (e.g. reforestation or renewable energy). 

Adyen partnered with South Pole to build its own greenhouse gas emissions calculator. 

“We choose to partner with businesses that maintain a forward thinking approach to sustainability, as we are a frontrunner in sustainable consumerism. Innovating over shared beliefs, like we did when integrating Planet, is illustrative of how we like to work,” says Olivier Vangest, Head of Technology at Kazidomi.

“We are excited to have added Planet to the frictionless payment experience we were already offering our shoppers via Adyen’s single platform.” 

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