How to make managing a retail store easier

Managing a retail business may be harder than ever before. This is because you have to deal with competition from other ventures and e-commerce stores as well.

On top of that, you likely have to integrate some elements of e-commerce into your own brand if you want to compete. It’s a lot to keep up with and if you’re not careful, you may find yourself struggling to manage it all.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are a few simple things you can do to make managing a retail business a little easier.

Try out the strategies below and you should see not only a reduction in your stress levels but also an improvement in your retail business.

Outsource time consuming tasks

A good place to start is by outsourcing any tasks that take up too much of your time.

For example, if you find yourself acting as your own accountant and spending your entire weekend going over the books, this is a prime area to outsource.

Hiring an accountant may cost money but you’ll likely find it a worthy investment when you have one less major item on your plate.

Another prime area to consider outsourcing is your HR tasks. These include things such as managing your employees’ benefits and vacation time among others. It’s no wonder that most large businesses have a separate department to handle all HR tasks. 

Luckily, you can outsource these as well. Look to hire  PEO companies, which are professional employer organisations. By doing so, you enter into a co-employment agreement, which essentially means they can handle a lot of your HR tasks for you.

It’s your job as a manager to delegate tasks to others, including yourself, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, look into outsourcing.

Automate tasks

Besides outsourcing, the other way to speed up time-consuming tasks is through automation.

Automation is a popular tool for e-commerce businesses, but many retail stores mistakenly assume they can’t automate anything. You can’t automate the task of refolding clothes or cleaning the store, but there are some behind-the-scenes tasks that you may be able to.

For example, let’s say you’re using social media to promote your store. Tools like LinkedIn automation can help you develop your network quickly and easily. You can also use it to send personalised messages to your connections or download information about leads. 

If you have a website for your retail store, you could also have a chatbot feature. A chatbot answers simple customer questions so that you don’t have to spend time answering as many emails.

Think about which tasks take the most of your time, and if these tasks involve a computer in some way, chances are you can speed up the process with automation.

Hire the right people

Having the right employees is an essential ingredient for a retail business. You need people who possess the right qualities for working in retail, such as taking pride in their work and responsibility.

You should be able to trust each member of your team to perform their duties correctly and on time.

If someone isn’t working out, look to replace them with someone else or consider having a talk with them about how you need them to improve. It may take some time to find the right people but the search is well worth it. 

Work on your communication

Managing a retail store becomes a lot easier if you have a strong team working for you.

However, even if you hire the best people possible, your team will only be effective if you lead them well. To do this, you should focus on improving your communication. Practice giving orders that are clear and concise so that your employees know exactly what is expected of them. 

Communication also means listening to your employees. Make it a habit to gather feedback from them. They may have suggestions for how you can improve the store that you didn’t consider.

By effectively communicating your desires to your team, and listening to their needs as well, you will make the store more efficient and your job managing it easier.

Integrate the latest technology

Finally, look to integrate the latest technology within your store. There are plenty of tools that can help you with things like marketing or your checkout process.

If you can make these operations a little more efficient, this means you’ll spend less of your time as a manager working on them.

For example, a lot of your time as a manager may be spent trying to figure out which of your items are the most popular. 

One solution is to provide free Wi-Fi within your store. Then, using Wi-Fi retail tools, you can track which areas of your store are the most popular throughout the day.

From this, you may learn which products your customers look at the most. If this doesn’t correspond with the product that has the most sales, you may have a problem with your pricing.

This is just one example of how technology can make your life easier and your store better. Explore all the different possibilities, then work to integrate them one at a time to see what works.

Make managing manageable

As a manager of a retail store, you already have enough responsibilities. You don’t need to make your job any harder than it already is.

In fact, you should be actively looking for ways to make it easier so that you can spend more of your efforts on improving the store, rather than just maintaining it.

The above list is a great place to start but the key is to always be on the lookout for ways that can make your job easier.