Coen Markets offers checkout-free shopping option, powered by Grabango technology Checkout free storesStaff WriterFebruary 15, 2023Coen Markets, Checkout free stores, Grabango, US retail, Amoco, BP, Mobile retail, Stores, PaymentsComment
For Good Causes wants donations made with loyalty points to qualify for Gift Aid CoronavirusStaff WriterApril 29, 2020For Good Causes, Gift Aid, Loyalty points, Loyalty rewards, FinTech, Rakuten, BP, Coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19Comment
Rakuten and BP join forces with For Good Causes CharitiesStaff WriterApril 21, 2020Rakuten, BP, Koin Rewards, Charities, Coronavirus, For Good Causes, Loyalty points, Rewards, Charity, FinTechComment
Recycling tech ventures could solve fashion’s waste problem Green retailStaff WriterFebruary 4, 2020GlobalData Retail, Green retail, Fashion retail, Fashion brands, Recycling technology, Retail technology, Tyton BioSciences, Carpet America Recovery Effort, Verdex Technologies, Novetex Textiles, BPComment
BP enlists REPL Group for major BP RESET project Retail technologyStaff WriterJune 19, 2019REPL Group, BP, Bricks and mortar retail, Retail technology, Cloud solutions, Machine learningComment