Featuring Mattel, Nike, and Klarna: RTIH runs you through the week's coolest retail technology plays Retail technologyStaff WriterApril 28, 2023Retail technology, Retail innovation, Filco Market, Gander, Nike, Cognizant, home24, Constructor, Klarna, Holland & Barrett, John Lewis Partnership, Eagle Eye, Kodiak Robotics, C.R. England, Meyer, Autonomo, Mattel, Mattel Creations Virtual Collectibles Platform.Comment
Mattel Creations Virtual Collectibles Platform set to launch peer-to-peer marketplace on 27th April MarketplacesStaff WriterApril 21, 2023Mattel Creations Virtual Collectibles Platform., Mattel, NFTs, Blockchain technology, Obsess, 2022 RTIH Innovation Awards, Marketplaces, P2P, Rarible, Magic, FlowComment