N26 makes Apple Pay move
German challenger bank, N26, has launched Apple Pay support in Spain, Italy and Finland. This follows on from the feature going live in France. Further details here.
The mobile-only new entrant has grown its Eurozone customer base to more than half a million within the space of 2.5 years and is adding around 1,500 new customers per day. It recently announced it will enter the UK market in the first half of 2018. "We believe the UK population will discover N26 as the first bank they'll love to use," said Valentin Stalf, Founder and CEO of N26. "Offering the best financial products to our customers with the best user experience is our top priority and the key to our success."

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Mobile paymentsStaff WriterChallenger banks, FinTech, Mobile payments, Payments, Apple Pay, N26Comment