Jaja Finance preps ‘truly digital credit card’ launch

Jaja Finance is on a mission to redefine the consumer finance experience and liberate people from needless complexity, wasted time and frustration, CEO Neil Radley tells RTIH in our latest Startup Stories article.

The venture will be launching a digital credit card next year which will be managed entirely through the Jaja mobile app and purpose-built for the needs of customers. There are no complicated forms to fill in and new customers can be up and running within minutes, requiring only a driving licence or passport to get started. It will also have a range of features designed to help users track and manage their spending, including a real-time view of transactions, the ability to tag or search transactions and intelligent notifications.

Jaja Pay was also recently launched, a white-label consumer credit product which lets online retailers use “rapid credit provision (married to responsible lending requirements) at checkout as a way to engender loyalty and incremental sales among shoppers”.

Asda is currently using Jaja Pay on George.com, its online clothing, furniture and toys store. The initial application with pre-approval takes less than a minute. The customer can then start using their line of credit immediately. As an added incentive, shoppers will receive an introductory 90-day interest-free period for purchases on George.com.

Read the full interview here.

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