Brits steer clear of impersonal retailers
44% of UK shoppers avoid brands that don’t offer them personalised, relevant offers, according to research conducted by Ecrebo. involving 1,092 people. 68%, meanwhile, expect to receive promotions based on their past purchases.
85% are more likely to opt for a brand with a loyalty scheme. “Today’s shopper is extremely savvy, always in search of the best deals and how to gain the maximum value from loyalty benefits across the omnichannel environment,” says David Buckingham, CEO at Ecrebo. “For retailers to stand out from the competition, loyalty schemes and rewards, the customer experience and personalisation all play a crucial role in marketing efforts, across all stages of the purchase journey.”
76% of shoppers said coupons change their shopping behaviour and 40% now expect one when they shop. A further 32% stated that they sometimes wouldn’t make a purchase at all without a coupon. “One of the growing approaches deployed by retailers is the use of coupons issued at the till, where real-time data can be used to provide targeted, relevant offers to shoppers, as well as recommendations or value-added information on what was in their shopping basket,” says Buckingham.