UK retailers experience summer footfall slump

Footfall across the UK declined by 2.9% in June, compared to the same point last year when it fell by 0.9%, according to research by the BRC and Springboard.

High Streets were worst hit by the relatively poor June weather (-4.5%), with shopping centres also performing badly (-2.4%). However, retail parks managed to buck the trend (+0.1%). Last year’s World Cup and sunshine set a high bar, which 2019’s slow consumer spending and Brexit uncertainty failed to live up to, observes Helen Dickinson, Chief Executive at  British Retail Consortium.

“High Streets and shopping centres across the country need to invest in improving their consumer experience if they wish to see these footfall numbers reverse,” she adds. “Unfortunately, high business rates, as well as a raft of other public policy costs, mean there is little left over to spend on these improvements. If the Government wants to see more investment on the High Street, then they must reform the broken business rates system and give firms the means to make the necessary improvements.”

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