Labour Party unveils ‘radical’ plan to revive UK High Streets

Empty shops should be given to startups, co-operative businesses and community projects to help Britain's struggling town centres, according to the Labour Party.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "Boarded up shops are a symptom of economic decay under the Conservatives and a sorry symbol of the malign neglect so many communities have suffered. Once thriving High Streets are becoming ghost streets.”

“Labour has a radical plan to revive Britain's struggling High Streets by turning the blight of empty shops into the heart of the High Street, with thousands of new businesses and projects getting the chance to fulfil their potential."

Labour is calling for local authorities to be given the power to reopen abandoned shops which have been left vacant for a year or more. However, Local Growth Minister Jake Berry responded: "Jeremy Corbyn would wreck the economy, tax small businesses and scare off the investment needed to help our High Streets, meaning more boarded-up shops and fewer jobs.”

“We will deliver Brexit by 31st October so that we can get on with levelling up opportunities across our country and breathe new life into High Streets and town centres."

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