Store staff at heart of CX in 2020, RetailEXPO survey

72% of UK shoppers say lack of knowledgeable staff is their biggest in-store irritation, according to RetailEXPO research.

Its survey of 2,000 people also shows that 64% believe highly skilled staff, who deliver better service and in-depth product information, make them more likely to visit a physical store. 75% claim good customer service encourages them to spend more.

Easing in-store friction by providing functional guidance, such as showing shoppers where to find products (51%) and taking payments at the till (42%), was key when it came to the value added to the customer experience. 

However, the social aspect is also crucial with 42% of Brits prioritising genuinely friendly interactions with staff who were happy to engage in conversation rather than just focusing on making a sale. Two thirds want employees to show genuine passion for the products or services the retailer offers and use their expertise to make recommendations.

A blend of human interaction enhanced by technology is also important. 50% of those surveyed would like store staff to have access to additional information online via mobile or wearable tech, with staff lacking access to digital catalogues cited as a major irritation by 20% of younger shoppers (18-24). 

“At a time when shoppers can buy almost anything online, the service offered by in-store staff is a key differentiator driving customer loyalty and increasing average order value,” says Matt Bradley, Event Director at RetailEXPO.

“It’s clear that retail businesses who optimise their workforce by using technology to allow them to spend more time on the store floor with customers will enhance customer experience and therefore customer lifetime value. In 2020 delivering customer experiences that are deeply personal and distinctly human is more important than ever.”

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