Six retail technology lessons from last week

RTIH takes a not always serious look back at another eventful week for the retail technology space.

1. Tower Records is back in the groove, baby

Fun fact. During his teenage years, our Editor applied for a job at the retailer’s store in Piccadilly Circus, London. They turned him down. Sob.

2. Shop local this Black Friday

3. And if you do buy from Amazon, don’t forget AmazonSmile

4. Bad news for fans of Ikea

5. Supermarkets are not causing Covid-19 to spread

It’s just a shame Boris Johnson’s government didn’t reach the same conclusion about pubs, bars and restaurants, all of which are currently closed under a second England lockdown.

6. Covid-19 has exposed a silver lining for retailers

In an article for RTIH, Raymond Ma, General Manager, Alibaba Cloud Europe, says: “Physical retail spaces can become experience centres, that supplement the online store, offering special product displays and demonstrations, digital signage, VR/AR capabilities, play zones, relaxed seating and so on.”

“Retailers need to be innovative, to not just drive sales but to drive interest and loyalty; but, above all, the store has to be relevant. There also needs to be consistency of products and service, regardless of channel.”

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