Poq launches mobile app commerce guide

Mobile retail specialist Poq has released Holiday 2020 | The App Commerce Guide

This highlights how retailers can optimise app features like push notifications, App Stories and search to drive customer engagement and product discovery.

Key findings include: App traffic overtook desktop for retailers with apps in 2018. It is set to be a quarter of e-commerce traffic by the end of 2020; 387,000 hours were spent on apps on Black Friday, a 105% increase from the 2018 event.

Features like App Stories - shoppable in-app stories like Instagram Stories - saw a 31% increase in interactions over Cyber Week. Meanwhile, brands on Instagram experienced a drop in engagement over the holiday period.

“Consumer behaviour changes around big sales days like Black Friday. Customers opt to shop with the most convenient, relevant and engaging shopping experiences.” says Poq CEO and Co-Founder Oyvind Henriksen.

“Retailers globally are recognising the importance of apps. By adapting to these evolving habits, retailers are building authentic consumer relationships and generating more revenue.”

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