Walmart makes personalised text shopping move

Walmart's Global Tech and Store No. 8 teams are testing out a text to shop tool in select areas.

No news on when exactly the feature will be released to everyone, but, in a press release, Dominique Essig, Vice President of Conversational Commerce at Store No. 8, said it will be “more widely available in the future."

“We’re all doing a million things at once. We’re driving the kids to school while making a mental grocery list,” she comments.

“Soon, you will simply be able to say, “OK, Google, add Band-Aids to my Walmart cart.” Whether you’re using a Google or Apple device, commands like this one open the Walmart app and add Band-Aids to your cart, and you don’t have to lift a finger.”

She adds: “This type of innovative customer experience is exactly what we build every day. And while Walmart has offered voice shopping for years, text shopping is just getting warmed up.”

“In addition to helping our busy families with this simple solution, a key benefit of this new service is that it’s personalised just for them.”

“By understanding our customers’ preferences, we also solve the paradox of choice and save them time by serving up what we know they love best.”

“Most importantly, we offer Walmart customers the opportunity to shop no matter where they are, and to communicate naturally by simply asking for what they want, any way they want.