Boots Technology honours colleague Sally Goulding with odd socks day

The folks at Boots Technology are encouraging all IT professionals to sport odd socks on Thursday, 13th May.

This is in honour of their colleague, Sally Goulding, who passed away earlier this year, having fought Covid related symptoms for some time.

In a LinkedIn post, Rich Corbridge, CIO at Books UK, says: “This news was only initially shared within the Boots team as we needed to grieve, remember and come up with a way to remember our colleague and friend.”

“As a team we are now ready to remember Sally within the professional environment that we knew her as the friend that she was to all of us.”

He adds: “In Sally's memory, Boots Technology is encouraging all IT professionals to sport odd socks on Sally’s birthday – Thursday, 13th May.’

“In Boots we will donate to our own charities but we encourage other IT professionals across the country to pause for a moment of remembrance to the many colleagues and friends that are no longer with us, people that were part of that 'gang' across the UK that is the IT professional network.”

Goulding often wore odd socks as a reminder that you can’t always have control over everything in your life – and that that is OK.

“So on the 13th of May when you wake up to get dressed for that ‘normal’ day working in the many facets of IT pause, put on a pair of odd socks, take a picture and drop it out to the world against the hashtag #OddSocksForMemories,” Corbridge writes.

“Remember that colleague, that friend, that mentor, that learned team member, that key support person, that member of your wider team.”

“And remember that we don’t always have control over what is next, and that is OK. We can be together just a small amount and share in that fact.”

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